chol baker

born in zomba malawi with a childhood in bulawayo zimbabwe and studied art at bournemouth college of art. growing up in bulawayo with her pony and riding through endless bush, fishing trips with her pa and camping in mozambique instilled in chol a love for wild places and open spaces. Always drawing and painting the only place she was happy at school was 'the art room'. at home her father had a wonderful workshop where she was free to make things using brass, leather, bone etc. The first bangles she made were when she was about ten years old and based on old celtic designs as anything ancient inspired, this is still the case.

She has travelled extensively in africa and has always been fascinated by the adornment of the people she met. learning and using their techniques developed from using what is available.

Her art and jewellery are usually entwined, feeding off each other and influenced by what she sees, feels and discovers. always exploring what might be there, using found objects, scrap metal, semi-precious stones and antique objects.

She has exhibited her art, wearable and painted, in zimbabwe and the western cape of South Africa.

"if somehow i can, before i leave this earth, combine my absolute mad freedom and excitement with truth, then i will have done something." - andrew wyeth

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